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How Our Clients Created a Healthy Workplace with Custom Challenges (Part 2)

In the first part of our series, Wellbeing Coordinator Tips – Creating Unique Content in Your Workplace, we gave you an overview of how the Get Moving Challenge works and the opportunities it provides to create unique content that makes your workplace healthier and more enjoyable. Now we dive into part 2, so get ready to be truly inspired! With over 2000 unique mini-challenges created by our clients across the country, aimed at creating a healthy workplace, there is certainly no shortage of creativity and passion.

Here we will take a closer look at some of the most popular, inspiring, and perhaps a little quirky challenges of the year, divided into different categories. Whether you’re looking for ideas to motivate your team, find new ways to focus on personal health, or just want to have a laugh, we have something for you. Let’s dive in!

🌟 Physical Activity & Exercise in a Healthy Workplace: Get Moving and Feel the Adrenaline!

  • Plogging with Your Team: Pick up litter while jogging! Double win for health and the planet.
  • Yoga in the Office: Swap your coffee break for a yoga break! Breathe in, stretch out.
  • Interval Running: Challenge your heart and legs with a fast-paced running duel.
  • Thank Me Later Run: Get your legs moving! From a gentle 1 km jog to an encouraging 5 km run – find your distance and enjoy.
  • Plank Challenge: How long can you hold the plank? Show off your core muscles!

🌟 Personal Development & Learning: Knowledge is Power… and Good for the Heart!

  • Learn About Sleep in 13 Minutes: A quick dive into the world of dreams, 13 minutes that can change your nights.
  • Watch a Lecture: Learning from the comfort of your home? Sign me up!
  • Donate>5 Pieces of Clothing or Items: Connect sustainability and personal well-being by donating clothes, reducing environmental impact.
  • Attend a Lecture: Nothing beats live learning! ake a seat and absorb the knowledge.
  • Brain Teasers: Keep your brain active and sharp with some tricky challenges.

🌟 Social & Team Building: Together We Are Stronger!

  • Swap Lunches with a Colleague: Ett kul sätt att smaka något nytt och prata mat med kollegor. A fun way to taste something new and chat about food with colleagues (well.. only for the bravest among us!).
  • Get to Know Your Colleagues: Who knew Andrew was a juggling master? Maybe there’s a hidden talent in the office?
  • Call a Friend: Who says only colleagues can be the focus? Call a friend and spread some joy.
  • Have Coffee Together: Coffee breaks are sacred. Make them extra special by sharing them with someone.
  • Team Walk: Teamwork makes the walk easy!

🌟 Well-being & Mental Health: Breathe In, Breathe Out… and Enjoy!

  • Are You a Great Photographer?: A chance for anyone with an eye for beauty to show off their skills.
  • Stressed?: Find your zen and say goodbye to stress.
  • Set Your Day’s Intention: Start the day with a clear vision. What do you want to achieve today?
  • Do Something Extra: For yourself or someone else!
  • Gör något extra: För dig själv eller någon annan! Maybe it’s time to bake that cake for the break room?

🌟 Nutrition & Diet: Taste, Enjoy, and Feel Better! 🍎

  • Try a New Vegetarian/Vegan Dish: Green is great… and tasty!
  • Friday Treat!: Indulge in something delicious and (preferably) healthy.
  • Drink Water!: Nature’s own energy drink.
  • Check Your Alcohol Habits: Do you know what’s right for you? Take the anonymous test at
  • Hot Shot Challenge: Sample shots, start the day with a nutrient-packed shot.

Creating a Healthier Workplace with Custom Challenges

Creating your own mini-challenges in the workplace can be the extra touch that makes your health initiative feel personal and unique. As a wellbeing coordinator, you have the opportunity to make a big difference, so take the chance, start small, think big, and let creativity flow.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to create a healthy workplace, get additional tips, or perhaps tailor your own challenges for your team, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re ready to guide you step by step and show you how the Get Moving Challenge can transform your organisation into a healthier workplace.

Contact us here to start your inspiring journey with us. We look forward to hearing from you!